Ladiesrun Rotterdam
Success in coordinating running
After the success of co-producing the Marathon Rotterdam in 2012, VKOZ was asked to coordinate the Ladies Run in Rotterdam. It was important that we coordinated the volunteers around the event. We have now contributed to three editions.
The Ladies Run has been organised since 2006 and is an annual event. Both the start and finish are at Rotterdam Ahoy and the women who participate (and are dressed in pink) can choose from three distances: 5 km, 7.5 km and 10 km.

Public event





Pink Ribbon is central to this day
With this event, the runners can support Pink Ribbon. Pink Ribbon is a charity that raises money for projects and research to prevent and treat breast cancer.
In addition to the course, there was a fair in Ahoy, called Ladiesfair. The VKOZ office was held in Ahoy this day. We looked at the lively exhibition floor and we could enjoy the music and everyone in pink!
Women run all over the country
During Pink Ribbon Day, where everyone is encouraged to wear pink and take a moment to think about the disease for which Pink Ribbon raises money, this edition has been organised in other cities. For example, the Ladies Run can not only be run in Rotterdam, but also in Eindhoven, Utrecht and Groningen.
"Run a smile on your face."