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ECI roundtable utrecht

Erasmus Center for Innovation

ECI Roundtable
Erasmus Center for Innovation

New Business Roundtable with a new look

Erasmus Center for Innovation, formerly New Business Roundtable, is a European network of executives in New Business Development and Innovation from companies such as Google, KPN, Rabobank, Royal Cosun, ASM, Boskalis, Damen, Bunge, NXP and AkzoNobel.

Jan van den Ende, professor of Innovation and Technology Management at Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University Rotterdam, is the initiator of this. From 2018, VKOZ will organize events in collaboration with Jan. This time for the first time a physical event under the new name, in collaboration with Murat Tarakci, to whom the baton has been handed over, professor of Innovation Strategy at Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Erasmus Center for Innovation looks slightly different. Members can choose two different packages: ECI Roundtable partnership or ECI Academic partnership, with the aim of creating a brighter future together with academics and students.

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An event four times a year

To achieve ECI's goals, innovation managers from the above-mentioned companies meet four times a year. This happens twice a year physically and twice a year online. For example, we have a physical event in April and October and a webinar in January and June. Professors from major universities tell their stories and share knowledge. Members can also be speakers at the events.

Various topics are discussed that are relevant to innovation managers. Networking is central to this, so that experiences are shared with each other.

ECI Roundtable Utrecht

We organized the conference in April 2024 in Utrecht, at the beautiful location of Grand Hotel Karel V. With the topic "Agile portfolio management" we provided an interesting and informative program. This is composed of five speakers, each with a different topic.

Discussions take place in breakout sessions, where innovation managers share topics from the field. The breaks in various rooms ensured that the beautiful location, right in the center, was put to good use. To conclude, the participants had drinks with each other during a networking moment while enjoying a drink and snacks.

Karel 5

Karel V

"Marjolein and her team have excellent ideas for organizing events, and thanks to their super efficient working method they take all your worries off your hands!"
Professor Jan van den Ende

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The Karel V location in Utrecht. A former 14th century monastery in the heart of Utrecht. This monumental building has 13 rooms, good gastronomy and several gardens and terraces.

Did you know...
We monitor event trends and developments 24/7 and share them in our blogs? Take a look at our inspiration page for tips and inspiration.

Want to know more?
Visit the Erasmus Center for Innovation website to find out more about the initiative.

In recent years we organized live online and hybrid events in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and abroad.
Want to know more? Get inspired:

International Roundtable


CIS Forum Dublin

Open post
Opening WoZ

Werkstation op Zuid

Werkstation op Zuid
Municipality of Rotterdam

From old Gamma building to social location

Werkstation op Zuid is a place where people with benefits can go. They are helped to find work, which is possible, for example, in the Rataplan thrift store, which is located in the same building. In recent months, the Municipality of Rotterdam has been busy with the makeover of the old Gamma building. Did you know that the building has also served as a GGD injection location in the meantime?

As the opening drew closer, the Municipality of Rotterdam called in VKOZ for help. 600 people were invited and a lot still had to be done. The festive opening also had to include a substantive program with catering and a performance.

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7 haltes WoZ



Afternoon program with content

VKOZ has put together an afternoon program with Christl van Gerven as chairman. She talked about the Workstation to the more than 280 guests. Councilor Tim Versnel was also a guest and he opened the Workstation at an official moment by cutting the ribbon.

After this, it was time for the guests to visit the seven stations and gain information about all the possibilities within the Workstation. For example, we talked about the S.T.A.R.T. program, the Poortproces and the Rataplan thrift store. After the substantive program, there was time for a networking drink while enjoying a drink and music from the Bentinck Jazz trio.

An event is possible at any location

The turnout for the opening was very high. There were over 100 more guests than expected. The full hall meant a lot of interest in the opening of the Workstation on South. Knowledge was shared during drinks and a number of guests were able to score beautiful items in the thrift store! The colorful decorations by the Workstation were examined, such as the creative chandeliers, wall paintings, etc. In short, an opening with a lot of interest at a location that has been completely converted into an event location!

Watch the behind the scenes video here!

"We look back on a successful opening where there was a lot of interest in the Werkstation op Zuid."
Jessy Tangel - Project manager Municipality of Rotterdam

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Valo, our collaboration partner in the field of AV for live streams, webinars and online events. After collaborating on the hybrid event of the Services Week, they also supported us this time with their specialty.

Did you know...
that KOCO a social initiative is? KOCO wants to improve the quality of life in Rotterdam-Charlois based on four pillars. This in combination with the provision of catering. With experience and a range of tailor-made solutions, everyone's wishes are met.

Want to know more?
Rataplan's newest location, located in the same building as Werkstation op Zuid, opened its doors on March 7, 2024. Read more about the collaboration between the thrift store and the Municipality of Rotterdam.

In recent years we organized live online and hybrid events in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and abroad.
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Verbeteragenda Entree

Improvement Agenda Entrance

Improvement Agenda Entrance
Municipality of Rotterdam

Celebrating successes with different partners

The Improvement Agenda Entrance was delivered at the end of 2021; namely a structural cooperation and improvement agenda for the students of Entrance courses (MBO-1). After 2 years, the MBO schools and the Municipality of Rotterdam would like to present the results.

This project includes several sub-projects and therefore also different contact persons. The customer's wish is to work on this in a structured manner. The municipality of Rotterdam has asked VKOZ events & communications to help with the organization and coordination of this event.

Together with the four vocational schools Albeda College, Lentiz, STC and Zadkine, partners from the Rijnmond region and employers, the results of the 'Improvement Agenda Entrance' project are presented. This looks back and forward, celebrates successes, informs parties about various sub-projects and shares knowledge. It is also important to give the students a role.

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An interactive program

In this way we have given the students a role in the program. VKOZ has carefully drawn up and designed an interactive program, including a round table discussion with students.

The interactivity with the audience was generated by chairman Jethro Bos, director of Zadkine. He created interactivity by using different colored lanyards and an old-fashioned Q&A. He also held a conversation with Alderman Versnel in a form of an interview, in which the students had an interest and experiences were shared.

The results were shown in a video to open the morning. After this, it is important to also collect content and look ahead. This was done by the vocational schools in collaboration with partners in the form of a presentation. Goals were set to achieve them in the future.

Communication was central

Communication was particularly important during the organization of the event. This is entirely taken care of by VKOZ, including the invitation process. All forms of communication were written by VKOZ, in which it was important to convey all important information. This resulted in an attendance of more than 60 participants!

In addition, all input from the vocational schools has been translated into a complete program for the morning. VKOZ has provided the common thread and everything has become one whole. This was done, among other things, by designing the entire presentation. By combining the presentations from the vocational schools and properly processing all general topics, all topics have formed one whole.

VKOZ's advice was to use a photographer for professional photos instead of a goodie bag. Photos can be used well in communication in the future.

Watch the behind the scenes video here

"What a great event it was this morning! It was great fun to be there."
Mayke Kuijpers - Zadkine Startcollege

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One of VKOZ's four services: communication. You can deploy us wherever you want! Take a look at our website to see what you can expect.


Did you know...
You can use different colored lanyards to distinguish the participants from each other? This way you can see from a distance who belongs to what.

Want to know more?
In addition to MBO courses, the STC also has a hall suitable for events. With a view over the port of Rotterdam on one side and the skyline on the other. Visit the website to find out more.

In recent years we have organised live online and hybrid events in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and abroad.
Want to know more? Get inspired:

Open post
Keynote speaker CIS Dublin

CIS Forum Dublin

Global Forum Dublin
Council of Interntional Schools

Participants all over the world come together

VKOZ organized the annual Global Forum on International Admission & Guidance for and together with the Council of International Schools. Council of International Schools is a membership organization focused on international education. The members are also called members and are the participants in the Forum. They are really involved because the sessions are also given by them.

In 2023 we organized the Global Forum in the Irish capital Dublin. We rented the Convention Center Dublin for this purpose. From November 15 to 18, 900 international schools and universities from 72 countries around the world came together.

CIS logo
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trinity bells


New additions every year

The program is similar every year, but we always try to improve and add elements. This year we had 46 sessions, including for the first time a 'wellbeing' session, a kind of meditation yoga, on Friday morning. There were also three fairs, three receptions: one called 'First timers', one reception in the Epic museum and a closing reception.

This year we also used the event app, where all the information could be found. We are also continuously expanding the app and this year we added an element: the speakers could use the app and hold a Q&A. Participants could put together their own schedule, view maps and find all other information about the event in the app. Participants could also connect, because everyone was in the app.

At the opening we had a keynote speaker (Katrice Horsley) from Ireland, but lives in Sweden. She is a storyteller and tells how you can use that in work or daily life.

A lot of new extras

This year we had a lot of extras! At the opening we had a keynote speaker (Katrice Horsley) from Ireland, but lives in Sweden. She is a storyteller and tells how you can use that in work or daily life.

For the first time we also had a quiet room, which could be used specifically for prayer or meditation, for example. The Trinity Bells, an acapella group of 15 girls from Trinity College, opened the closing with a typical Irish song and a pop song.

During the event we used sustainable and recyclable paper name badges (on the advice of VKOZ) and stickers with pronouns for the first time. This indicated how you wanted to be addressed.

During the closing ceremony, three awards were presented to people who have made a significant contribution to international education. We had divided the (network) fairs differently this year. For example, all international schools (divided into regions) were listed on one day, so that the universities can find them. The universities were divided over the other fairs, because the number became too large for one day.

Watch the behind the scenes video of the CIS Forum!

"It was such a well run event, providing great connections and information for so many of our members."
 Jane Larsson - Executive Director, Council of International Schools

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The Epic museum Dublin. This is a special museum in Dublin that you can add to your schedule during your city trip!


Did you know...
You can use different colored lanyards so that you can recognize each other from a distance. For example, at this event we had green ones for international schools, blue ones for universities, orange ones for supporting members and white ones for the team.

Want to know more?
Visit the CIS website to find out more about them.

In recent years we have organized live online and hybrid events in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and abroad.
Want to know more? Get inspired:

CIS Global Forum Vienna


CIS Forum Edinburgh


CIS Forum Barcelona

Open post
Inntel Rotterdam

Underwater Minerals Conference

Underwater Minerals Conference

51st edition takes place in Rotterdam

Underwater Minerals Conference (UMC) is an annual international forum with representatives from more than 25 countries. Since 1970, UMC has been bringing together the ocean minerals stakeholder community. Several important topics are discussed during this annual event. The 51st edition is presented by the International Marine Minerals Society (IMMS) and will take place from 1 to 6 October 2023 in Rotterdam. VKOZ has been asked to act as PCO in Rotterdam for this conference.

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projectmanagement vkoz




goodiebag vkoz - umc


Two beautiful locations in Rotterdam

We have chosen to organize the conference in the Inntel and Mainport Rotterdam, so that participants from all over the world can also stay in the hotel here. The hotel is also centrally located and there are plenty of dining options nearby and opportunities to spend your free time. With a beautiful view over the Rotterdam skyline, the 200 participants follow the many sessions on the 15th and 16th floors during the week.

On Wednesday the participants go to the SS Rotterdam. During drinks in the La Fontaine room, participants could present and view posters. After this, the participants moved to the Odyssey room for dinner. The starter and dessert were shared and each plate contained a Rotterdam souvenir.

An excursion as a conclusion

To end the week, the participants have a field trip on Friday. In the morning, the participants board a ship to sail through the port of Rotterdam. During this tour the guide will provide information about the history of the port and water management.

After lunch, the day will end with a tour of IHC Kinderdijk, where the construction facilities can be viewed.

diner ss rotterdam

Odyssee room on the ss Rotterdam



"Thank you and the team for a brilliant conference. I found it one of the most
productive conferences for a long time."
Participant - Underwater Minerals Conference

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Inntel and Mainport Rotterdam. The centrally located location offers various options for events, with a beautiful view of the skyline from the panoramic room!

Did you know...
That VKOZ helps foreign organizations organize their conference in Rotterdam as a Personal Conference Organizer? Check out our page to find out more.

Want to know more?
View the IMMS website to find out more about the sponsorship of the UMC.

In recent years we have organized live online and hybrid events in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and abroad.
Want to know more? Get inspired:

International Roundtable


RIEC Rotterdam

Open post
week van de dienstverlening - gemeente rotterdam

The Week of the Services

The Week of the Services
Municipality of Rotterdam

Rotterdam kick-off

The Week of the Services is all about making municipal services better and more simple. During this week, municipalities give each other a look behind the scenes of the good examples.

The kick-off of this week will take place in Rotterdam. In collaboration with VKOZ, the Municipality of Rotterdam has chosen to organize the congress in the beautiful Heineken building in Rotterdam. A great outcome to proudly organize an event in the recently renovated rooms.

hybride conferentie







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heinekengebouw rotterdam


Reaching as many people as possible

The participants registered for the inspiration sessions that were spread over two rounds. After the official opening of The Week of the Services, which people could watch from home via the live stream, the participants were divided over the sub-rooms. Inspiring sessions were held by various speakers.

After the switch to the second round, the participants were able to network with each other during a tasty lunch with sandwiches, sweets and smoothies. These could be enjoyed on the roof terrace of the Heineken building!

New way of giving feedback

After lunch, the participants left the event with new inspiration and information about The Week of the Services. They cast their vote on the event by leaving their key cord in a container with a happy, neutral or gloomy smiley face. Tops and tips could be noted on the large whiteboard.

At the end of this customer satisfaction survey, it turned out that all participants were positive about the event and complimented its organization. Substantive tips will be included in the remainder of The Week of the Services.

Watch the behind the scenes video here

"Great contribution from VKOZ: structure, eye for details, etcetera. We are really unburdened."
Peter van Schaik - Sr. Advisor Services


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A customer satisfaction survey after your event, which you can do in different ways. At this event, trays with smileys were used in which the participants can leave their keycord upon departure. In addition, we asked them to write down tips and tops on the whiteboard. This has worked well!

Did you know...
You can also have your event organized in the Heinken building in Rotterdam? With a larger room for the plenary part and five sub-rooms, small conferences and other events can take place here. You can also follow an audio tour through the building and take a look in the shop!

Want to know more?
Check out the website of The Week of Services to find out more about making municipal services better and more simple.

In recent years we have organized live online and hybrid events in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and abroad.
Want to know more? Get inspired:

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burgemeester aboutaleb

RIEC Undermining Day

'The front of the region of Rotterdam' - Undermining Day
RIEC Rotterdam

Creating a spectacular experience

The Regional Information and Expertise Centre Rotterdam (RIEC) focuses on battling subversive crime. They connect information, expertise, and forces from the different government agencies. On the Undermining Day several agencies came together to strengthen this connection.

Various objectives were central during the conference: completion of the Strengthening Programme and positioning of RIEC Rotterdam among key partners.  During the morning programme: showing the urgency of their work. During the afternoon programme: the response to this urgency, networking and obtaining and sharing information within the target group.

The immersive experience was very important here, because the day had to be spectacular and surprising. People also had to inspire and learn from each other.

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A complete picture at the RACC

We have been able to achieve this, amongst other things, by means of the new, flexible conference centre in Ahoy (RACC). Outside on the forecourt we had a session about the Port of Rotterdam in a special container, a mobile escape room and an example of a smuggler car and two luxury confiscated cars in front of the entrance.  

The entire day was an immersive experience by the five actors in character, which already started upon entry: there was a propper with flyers for the 'party'  upstairs. We set up the registration as a club and because of the three high-speed namebadge printers from Invitado the registration went smoothly.  

We had an information market with stands where there was a lot to do, including a VR experience from KMAR. There was a lot of connection in the reception room and during the plenary opening we had various speakers and the Mayor Aboutaleb handed over the RIEC book to Annemieke van Dam. Mayor Aboutaleb also opened the RIEC Pillar Experience in which six different rooms show the route from recruiter to the police station, including a container with hidden drugs and a stash house. In the afternoon we had seven knowledge sessions on topics such as property control along with hidden drug laboratories.   

Decors contributed to successful knowledge sessions

The day ended with a plenary closing. There were various reactions from the audience: the participants learned a lot, gained inspiration from other organisations to work together even better in the future. Afterwards there was a reception and participants could pick up a goodie bag containing, among other things, the RIEC book, which was already showed in the plenary opening. 

The goal of putting RIEC Rotterdam even better on the map has been achieved, because the event made a lot of impact through the content of the sessions, but also through the decoration and the actors.  A real immersive experience. 

This also came up in the feedback. With an average score of 8.1 from the evaluation, the event was a great success.  

Watch the behind the scenes video here

"An instructive day in which the networking and the information that was gained were very welcome."
Participant RIEC Undermining Day

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Escape Room Designer. They have different escape rooms, including mobile variants. At the event we used the Cyber Cash mobile escape room, which was a nice addition and suited the subject of undermining.  

decor immersive experience

Did you know...
That you can create an immersive experience with decor? We had many different decors, giving an immersive experience to the participants. This way it seemed as if they really lived the part and everyone could learn from each other. 

Want to know more?
Check out the RIEC website to learn more about RIEC, what they do and about undermining.  

In recent years we have organised live online and hybride events in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and abroad.
Want to know more? Get inspired:

Open post
RIEC reflect en connect

Reflect & Connect

RIEC Reflect & Connect
RIEC Rotterdam

The location is a gift for the participants

The Regional Information- and Expertise Centre Rotterdam (RIEC) focuses on battling subversive crime. They connect information, expertise and powers of the various government agencies.  To look back at successful collaborations, celebrate successes, gain inspiration and meet and network, an internal event has been organised on the ss Rotterdam. This beautiful location was a gift for the participants! 

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Intern event






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Interactivity on the water

During the day, the participants could attend various activities. For example, there were round table discussions with the various pillars and RIEC employees led by Mascha Bakker. Everyone could share their opinion and have a good conversation here. Karim Benammar was present as an interactive keynote speaker. The topic he covered was ‘Transformative Thinking’. We also had a connecting and energetic activity, namely the netwool act. Participants threw balls of wool at each other, creating a nice, large connection. 

We made good use of the location: there was an interesting tour of the harbour from KRVE. Stories about the port were shared here and everyone learned about the largest port in Europe. 

At the end of the event, we had a nice drink where the comic Rotterdam music group ‘Naar de Haaien’ visited.  They sang some Dutch songs and made the day complete.  

Networking on the deck from the ss Rotterdam

We ensured a successful event through the smooth online registration with Invitado. With this, the badges were printed for the participants on site. Many people from the RIEC had not yet met each other in person and many other participants were brought up to date. The gained new ideas and made new collaborations. 

Everything was well taken care of at the location, so there was a good atmosphere. In the afternoon we could go outside and later on we went on deck! From here we had a nice view of the skyline of Rotterdam. To prevent the participants from going home empty-handed, they received a biscuit tin with tasty contents from het Rotterdamse Warenhuis, wrapped in the colours of RIEC with a thank you card.  

Watch the behind the scenes video here

"The day was very well organised, and as far as I am concerned, it is worth repeating!"
Participant RIEC Reflect & Connect

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Invitado: registration- and online event-specialist. From online registration to scanning tickets and printing badges on location. Take a look at the Invitado website and read what they do. 

Did you know...
You can book the cheerful gentlemen of Naar de Haaien for Dutch songs of your own making? They can be used anywhere and fit well with a location like the ss Rotterdam! 

Want to know more?
Check out the RIEC website to find out what functions there are, what they do and who their partners are.  

In recent years we have organised live online and hybrid events in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and abroad.
Want to know more? Get inspired:

Open post
Netwolact Leerwerkakkoord

Learn and Work Agreement

Learn and Work Agreement Conference
Learn and Work Agreement

Agreement for a conference

The Learn and Work Agreement (LWA) is a collaboration between education, business and local government in the Rotterdam-Rijnmond Labour market region. The agreement has a term of six years (2019-2024) and the partners invest money and are given a personal approach. The LWA Steering Group wants to organise a working conference to discuss the findings and recommendations of the Interim Evaluation LWA (2019-2021) with all partners in a more cross-over manner.  

Together with the project team, VKOZ is organised this conference with as many participants as possible, where we paid a lot of attention to the programme for different target groups. The conference took place in De Kuip and the Maasgebouw, where we set up the programme in a different way than usual. 

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A programme appropriate to the location

For example, we first had the kick-off with the registration of the participants where the improvisation actors, acting as wives of ambassadors, provided a fun  welcome. In addition, they supported the speakers and connected the participants. During the plenary opening, a dazzling opening film was played that looked back on successes to date. Day chairman Mark Beumer and two guest speakers Fabian Dekker and Aad van der Werf opened the event together with Peter Smit from LWA.  

During the first and second half, nine inspiring sessions took place in various original rooms, including the Feyenoord dressing rooms and the press room. During the transfer to halftime, we had delicious Feyenoord pastries to stay in the mood. There was also a fair with various stands.  

During the plenary closing, the Renewal of the Vows, the ladies in gowns asked all participants to fill in a ‘Yes, I do’ card. To conclude this, the net wool act took place, where balls of wool were thrown through the room so that all the participants were connected. During the reception we went to the third half, where drinks and food were served in the form of a walking dinner.  

The start of an annual collaboration

During the day we collected a lot of content and the participants had an inspiring day due to the sessions, the fair and the information that was discussed during the opening and closing. By letting the participants get to work in an interactive way, they are now connected and new people got to know each other. The Netwol act has contributed a lot to this as well.  

For more inspiration, all participants received a magazine in which they can find a lot about the Learn and Work Agreement. The large location offered many opportunities for the sessions in special rooms. This conference was a good start to an annual collaboration between LWA and VKOZ.  

Watch the after movie of the event here

"What a party it was yesterday! I really want to thank you so much for all your hard work, headaches, stress and probably also fun in all the preparations and the conference itself."
Peter Smit - Programme Learning Agreement

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De Kuip, not only a football stadium, but also a beautiful event location with many possibilities and special spaces. Visit their website for more information.  

Did you know...
You can use the Improvisation Actors in different ways during your event? They greet the participants, support the chairman of the day and, of course, ensure a good atmosphere.  

Want to know more?
Visit the Learn and Work Agreement website to find out more about who they are and what they do.  

In recent years we have organised live online and hybrid events in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and abroad.
Want to know more? Get inspired:

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de rechtspraak dag voor de leidinggevenden

De Rechtspraak

Day for Managers
De Rechtspraak

Central location for managers from around the country

De Rechtspraak protects rights and freedoms. It stands up for the democratic rule of law, ensures proper application of the law and decisions by independent, impartial, honest and expert judges.  

The Day for Managers takes place every year, this year in Maarssen. A central and unique location has been chosen, taking sustainability into account. De Rechtspraak has asked VKOZ to organise the event from start to finish, including finding all speakers and compiling the substantive programme. The aim was to unburden them as much as possible.

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Connecting participants with inspiration and humour

It is important for De Rechtspraak to pay attention to sustainability: we have taken this into account by choosing the location, catering and the use of public transport with the use of shuttle buses. In addition, interactivity was important because in person contact had hardly taken place in two years due to Covid. Between both existing and new colleagues, we achieved this in a surprising way with a lot of humour. The lounge setting at the location also helped, which stimulates contact and also offered opportunities for outdoor activities. For example, fencing and the dragon boat race.  

The improvisational actors contributed to this to a large extent: in addition to a nice welcome, they provided people with a lot of humour. Inspirational topics were chosen during the eight workshops; six workshops took place indoors and two outdoors. The guest speaker of this day was Karim Benammar with the subject of his presentation ‘Radically different thinking’, which was not only very inspiring but also humorous and connecting. He did the opening and the closing together with the improvisational actors.  

Inspirational and interactive keynote speaker

During the opening in the plenary hall, participants filled in cards in response to questions from Karim. These were read through and hung outside for all to read. At the plenary closing, the cards were discussed, and inspiring answers were obtained. This was a nice way to get content.  

The participants thought it was a successful day with combination of workshops with a lot of information and sportsmanship. We were able to make optimal use of the location due to the beautiful weather: participants could have lunch outside and the two workshops took place outside. The improvisational actors were able to connect many participants and new people got to know each other. De Rechtspraak hopes to be able to organise the event annually at just as beautiful locations as InnStyle.  

Watch the behind the scenes video here

"Thanks to Marjolein van Rosmalen, who made sure everything was well organised behind the scenes. Everyone’s reactions and fun made it a wonderful day! "
Marlies Rijnbergen - De Rechtspraak

Zoom in on:
Innstyle an event location with both indoor and outdoor options, centrally located and yet surrounded by nature.  


Did you know...
You can do a dragon boat race as a team building activity? You learn to work well together and it’s fun too! 

Want to know more?
Check out the website of De Rechtspraak to learn more about courts, cases, their procedures and much more.  

In recent years we have organised live online and hybride events in Rotterdam, The Netherlands and abroad.
Want to know more? Get inspired:

Open post
CIS global forum virtueel

CIS Global Forum Virtual

CIS Global Forum Virtual
Council of International Schools

A different European city every year

Council of International Schools, referred to as CIS, is a global membership organisation that works together to shape international education through services for schools, universities and individuals. To bring these members together, conferences are organised at different locations. This happens every year in a different city and we have been able to organise a number of them. At the beginning of 2020 this was converted to an online global forum due to Covid. We looked at various options for both an online and hybrid event.  

online evenement






conceptontwikkeling VKOZ






Time difference as a big challenge

Due to the now approximately 1100 participant from more than 115 countries, the time difference during this online event was the big challenge. That is why CIS has opted for an entirely online event instead of hybrid.  During various brainstorming sessions we looked at software, where the focus in 2020 was mainly on the right form and which platforms were used for the extensive programme.  

In the end, the SpotMe platform was chosen, which is very similar to a Facebook experience. The same live program was converted to online, so really one on one. This means that for three days we had a plenary opening and closing, 50 sessions, 60 workshops, 2 fairs and an award ceremony.

Interactivity shaped the event

During the evaluation, we asked for feedback on the online global forum, which showed that the virtual hangouts were popular among the participants.  

That is why in 2021 we focused more on content and interactivity, such as the possibility to make one-on-one appointments with other participants and there was more fun with virtual social activities.  

CIS online community

The online community of CIS

"Thank you for all your support, guidance, eye for detail and your reliability."
Willemijn Nieuwenhuys - CIS Global Forum

Zoom in on:
The platform SpotMe, which we used during the event. View all the possibilities of the platform on the website.  

Did you know...
It is difficult to put together an online programme that is interesting for everyone. Read our blog with 10 tips for a varied programme.  

Want to know more?
Visit the CIS website to learn more about them.  

In recent years we have organised live online and hybrid events in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and abroad.
Want to know more? Get inspired:

CIS Global Forum Vienna

Open post
Inntel Hotels Utrecht

Innovation Forum

Innovation Forum 
Erasmus University

An initiative from Erasmus University

The name says it all, the Innovation Forum is concerned with innovation by professionalizing innovation management and new business development of medium and large companies.  The members become acquainted with the latest theoretical insights and the experiences of innovation managers of large corporations. They also exchange practical experience with peers. One person is important in setting up this initiative, namely Jan van den Ende. He is professor of Innovation and Technology Management at Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University Rotterdam.

live event







Total approach

1,5 meter

1,5 meters

solo borrelplank


Innovative location for a conference

At each event, the Innovation Forum deals with one topic, which is chosen by the participants and is the most topical. This time it was Innovation Strategy: what is it and how do I get it? This topic was addressed in the conference that took place in 2021. The live event was organised in the Inntel Utrecht, entirely in accordance with the measures in force at that time. VKOZ was responsible for the total approach for this event: thinking along with the programme, project management, communication with the participants and coordinating the conference.  

For the conference we used the rooms ‘Spoor 3’ and ‘Spoor 4’. The reception took place in ‘De Halte’ on the 11th floor with a view over the city and the drink was in the ‘U-bar’. Names that suit the hotel, as it conveniently located next to Utrecht Central Station.  

During the conference, Jan van den Ende was not only the initiator of the Innovation Forum, but also the academic speaker. Three speakers from the business community were invited from the following companies: Danone, Nutricia and Rabobank. The participants had discussions in working groups to discuss the information. 

Online addition in the form of a webinar

Due to the measures, the second event of the Innovation Forum took place online in the form of a webinar in 2022. ‘A webinar is a combination of web and seminar, also known as an online seminar.’ The advantage of this webinar was that because of the smaller group, it was easier for the participants to ask questions and exchange experiences. In this way it almost seemed as if the participants received 1 on 1 advice. This was experienced as very positive by the participants. An optimal knowledge session was ensured using break-out sessions with virtual rooms and online networking.

The Inntel Utrecht conference room

"Marjolein and her team have excellent ideas for organising events, and their super efficient way of working means they take care of everything"
Professor Jan van den Ende

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Jan van den Ende. See here who Jan is and what he does.

Did you know...
Inntel Hotels is the first hotel group in the Netherlands to introduce the Safe Health Protocol quality mark? With this, she can demonstrate that all steps have been taken to limit the risk of infection with the corona virus.

Want to know more?
Read our blog about organising a business event at a distance of 1.5 meters.  

In recent years we have organised live online and hybrid events in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and abroad.
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CIS platform exploration days

University Exploration Days

University Exploration Days
Council of International Schools

Beautiful international collaborations

Council of International Schools, CIS for short, is a global membership organisation working together to shape international education through services for schools, universities and individuals. The CIS community includes more than 740 schools and 610 colleges and universities from 122 countries. An important part of CIS’ services is organising worldwide events. Because the head office is located in Leiden, they use collaborations with a Dutch event agency, and we are proud to say that we are.

online evenement






projectmanagement vkoz


productie VKOZ




Online, but still an experience

During the Covid pandemic, the live events have been converted to online experiences, where the participants still come together, but virtually. They can still learn, network, support and share expertise. The same goes for university fairs. They are organised in different cities and countries, such as Shanghai, Hong Kong, Africa, Switzerland, France and the Benelux. For example, we organised an online event in all 24 times zones.  

The purpose of a fair like this is for international students to get acquainted with different universities around the world. To make this happen, we have developed the online platform that is used during the fair together with GoToCollegeFairs.  

Personal contact in the virtual booth

To ensure that students come into contact with each other, universities can set up their own virtual booth. They can post videos and other information here. In addition, these universities can get in touch with the students through (video) chat, live presentations and much more. Students can also follow Educational Sessions and chat with each other in the Lounge.  

Through these many additions to the platform, we try to give students the experience that comes as close as possible to a live event. This way they can come into contact with each other in different ways and this from their own living room! 

FairStop: the virtual fair platform

"A goal without a plan is just a wish."
Antoine de Saint-Exúpery

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Our partner GoToCollegeFairs. Are you curious who they are? Check out their website.

Did you know...
Presenting online is much more difficult than live? Read tips about presenting online here.

Want to know more?
Are you curious about CIS? Check out their website for more information. 

In recent years we have organised live online and hybrid events in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and abroad.
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Karel 5 Utrecht

New Business Roundtable

Congresses, seminars and webinars 
New Business Roundtable

About the New Business Roundtable

The New Business Roundtable is a European network of executives in New Business Development and Innovation from companies such as Google, KPN, ING, Arcadis, Eneco, AkzoNobel, Achmea, IBM, Arcadis, Damen, Boskalis and Philips.  

Jan van den Ende, professor of Innovation and Technology Management at Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University, is the initiator of this. From 2018, VKOZ organises the events of the New Business Roundtable. Their conference takes place twice a year and a seminar three times a year.

live event







Total approach





Conference twice a year

The congress is organised every year in April and October, where we have been able to organise these congresses in a safe manner, even in times of Covid. Each time the congress has different topics, such as Agile portfolio management, Ecosystem innovation and Scaling up innovation projects. We often have our full day events at Karel V in Utrecht. This beautiful historic building is within walking distance of Utrecht Central station, but it looks like you are on an estate.  

The aim of each congress is to share ‘lessons learned’ related to the topics, regarding on in-depth discussions based on existing cases of the participants. The morning starts with a plenary session and guest speakers from (inter)national universities and large corporates. After lunch, the group is dived into several working groups in different rooms, facilitated by academics. The day ends with a reception in the beautiful courtyard.

Three times a year a different location for a seminar

The seminars are held throughout the year at various locations such as CIC in Rotterdam, Media Plaza, Creative Valley and Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. Each time the topic differs with a an appropiate cademic guest speaker. Names such as Professor Frank Piller from Germany, Erkko Autio from England and Professor Ashish Sood from California, United States have come over. The aim of the seminars is to exchange experience in an interactive way. The participants do assignments in which confidential information is discussed, of course in a safe place. The meeting is concluded with a networking drink, so that participants can talk to each other in an informal way.

CIC Rotterdam

NBR webinar VKOZ

A webinar is an online seminar

Sharing knowledge in the form of a webinar

VKOZ organized also webinars because of the Covid measures. The concept has been converted into an interactive online programme. The academic speakers paid a lot of attention to polls and Q&A’s in their presentations.  

After the presentations, the group was split into smaller groups for a breakout session and plenary feedback. We have opted for smaller groups so that participants can get back to work with knowledge and tools. Professor Jan van den Ende then actively facilitated online networking by asking questions and connecting people.

"Marjolein and her team have excellent ideas for organising events, and their super efficient way of working means they take care of everything for you!"
Professor Jan van den Ende

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The Karel V location in Utrecht. A former 14th century monastery in the heart of Utrecht. This monumental building and hotel has 13 events rooms, good gastronomy and various gardens and terraces.  

Keycords NBR

Did you know...
We use lanyards with two hooks in the New Business Roundtable house style? Handy! And with a paper name badge, it also environmentally friendly. 

Want to know more?
View all topics and events on the New Business Roundtable website.

In recent years we have organised live online and hybrid events in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and abroad.
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RIEC conferentie

RIEC Rotterdam

Hybrid Conference 
RIEC Rotterdam

Seeing, tackling, picking up and taking away undermining

The Regional Information and Expertise Center Rotterdam, abbreviated to the RIEC, focuses on combating subversive crime. They connect information, expertise and strengths of the various government agencies. Undermining is a topic that is being discussed a lot these days and in order to highlight the mid-term of the Reinforcement Pillars, this conference was organised in collaboration with VKOZ. These Reinforcement Pillars include, for example, the police, tax authorities and customs. Prior to the conference, a working visit was organised for Minister Grapperhaus.

hybride conferentie







Total approach



3 winnaars


Rotterdam on your display

At this hybrid conference, 140 people were invited online, who joined later in the afternoon. The 40 other participants visited the event fully in accordance with the Covid rules on location. We had reserved the 15th and 16th floor of the Inntel Rotterdam to make use of the beautiful view of the Erasmus Bridge and skyline. This brought a piece of Rotterdam to the online participants to complete the hybrid experience as well as possible. The opening film used for the surprise opening, started with the view from this Panorama room. In this film, an interview was held with each pillar of why collaboration is so important; the topic to be discussed during the event.  

The goals of the event were: sharing and celebrating successes, retrieving content, storytelling and a distinctive and interactive programme. The assignment for VKOZ was to translate these goals into the programme. The day chairman Ernst Pols of the Rotterdam Public Prosecution Service and mayor Aboutaleb certainly contributed to this. 

To achieve the goals, they were converted into different activities during the varied programme. For example, Mascha of the Improvisatieacteurs provided the connection between the live and online audience from the green room. There was a round table discussion with various propositions and Q&A, a break-out session in virtual rooms, a Idea box and a quiz with of course an award ceremony.

Hybrid like never before

Together with our partner Savvy Congress, we had set up the online platform entirely in the style and wishes of the RIEC. Despite the challenges, organising the hybrid event has been very successful. We also had parallel programming including a closing drink for the 40 guests on location, of course in accordance with the applicable measures. Due to the strict Covid measures from September 28, 2020, the event has been moved from September 30, 2020 to 2022.

Panorama room Inntel Rotterdam

"Turn your business event into an unforgettable moment."
VKOZ events & communication

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Our partner Savy Congres. Read the blog about our collaboration!

RIEC Rotterdam keycord

Did you know...
We use lanyards with two hooks in the RIEC house style? Handy! And with a paper name badge, it is also environmentally friendly.

Want to know more?
Check out the event location Inntel Rotterdam, where you have a beautiful view over the Erasmus Bridge!

In recent years we have organised live online and hybrid events in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and abroad.
Want to know more? Get inspired:

Open post
EventSummit 2020


VKOZ events & communication

Brewing concepts in Ahoy Rotterdam

EventSummit is a large one-day platform for the entire festival and event industry. This time the fair was organised in Ahoy Rotterdam after the great success in 2019. VKOZ events & communication took part in this on January 30, 2020. We had our own stand on the so-called Rotterdam Street. This is a square where various Rotterdam locations were located with their stand. This square was located in the ‘Cities & Regions’ hall.

Our goal during EventSummit was to surprise and inspire visitors with our activation ‘Here we brew our concepts’. This was also the theme of VKOZ for the fair. This is because we are located in the monumental Heineken building in Rotterdam.

live event

Stock exchange





conceptontwikkeling VKOZ


productie VKOZ


Beursstand eventsummit


Winning prizes in the Rotterdam Street

The 13.500 m2 exhibition floor was clearly arranged in themes such as entertainment, technology, locations, festivals and further divided into streets. Together with Rotterdam Partners, RDM Events, Hilton, ss Rotterdam, Wereldmuseum, Spido, De Doelen, Maritiem Museum, Luxor Theater, Theater Rotterdam and many more Rotterdam stands, we provided an unforgettable experience.

We took the brewing of our concepts very literally: in our stand we were brewing live with the visitors. We thought along with them and brainstormed about their events. In addition, commissioned by EventSummit and in collaboration with Rotterdam Partners, we had developed an interactive concept that created more commotion in the street. We stood on the central square with our grab bag game: a large beer keg filled with various small and large prizes from the 28 Rotterdam exhibitors. To be able to grab, the visitor first had to win a game of memory by finding the right event locations. We have made many visitors happy with great prizes.

Rotterdammers got to know each other better

It was a great moment to strengthen our relationship with the Rotterdam Partners during the event. Through our activation we ensured good visibility of the Rotterdam Street at EventSummit.

Watch the after movie here

"We connect you to Rotterdam."
Rotterdam Partners

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Rotterdam Partners. They represent Rotterdam in the field of city marketing: foreign companies, conferences, expats, tourists and promotion.

Did you know...
VKOZ, as a professional conference organiser, organises conferences in Rotterdam for foreign organisations? See the PCO page for more information.

Want to know more?
Watch the video of the Rotterdam Ahoy Convention Center: a brand new conference center with lots of possibilities.

In recent years we have organised live online and hybrid events in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and abroad.
Want to know more? Get inspired:

RIEC Rotterdam

Open post
Congres gemeente Rotterdam

Municipality of Rotterdam

Congress Stop Undermining!
Municipality Rotterdam

Learn with and from colleagues

Undermining is an increasing theme in politics and the media. Many colleagues within the Municipality of Rotterdam have to deal with this and in order to draw more attention to this subject, the city of Rotterdam, in collaboration with VKOZ, organised a congress with the theme: ‘Stop Undermining!’.

This was done by sharing knowledge for and by colleagues in various workshops. The aim of the Municipality of Rotterdam was to connect the clusters by means of informative and interactive workshops. Plus Henny Schilders as guest speaker during the plenary opening.

live event







Total approach





A Rotterdam touch

VKOZ contributed to this by using its own developed app during the event: the OndermijningsTour. The participants earned points by answering questions and contributing to the wall of Complaint & Jubilee. With this they could win nice Rotterdam prizes. The programme, floor plan and personal workshop schedule could also be found in the app and it was an ideal tool for retrieving data.  

Mayor Aboutaleb opened the congress and launched an internal app in his speech. To make the event more fun, the Improvsiatieacteurs Michel and Mascha were present. Among other things, they provided interaction, supported the chairman of the day Ernst Pols (of the DA) and assisted with the opening and closing.  

The congress took place in a typical Rotterdam location: De Kuip. The 11 workshops, lunch, drinks and the plenary part took place in the rooms of the Maasgebouw. However, this was not enough, so we had to be creative and decided to organise some workshops even in the guest dressing room and in the press room! There was also plenty to do outside. For example, there was a hemp container and scan bus.  

The start of learning even more

The congress was closed by André Vervooren. There was an award ceremony where Hedone sweatshirts where awarded; the clothing brand founded by Marco den Dunnen. All workshops givers received a beautiful canvas bag from the same brand

The event was very successful and based on a video report and evaluation from the game, the event is planned to be held every two years. This will lead to several great collaborations between the city of Rotterdam and VKOZ.  

Watch the behind the scenes video here

"VKOZ delivers a lot of quality in the organisation of events."
Municipality of Rotterdam 

Zoom in on: 
The Improvisation Actors. Are you curious who the improvisational actors are and what exactly they do? Read their own blog introducing themselves! 

Did you know...
When undermining, the underworld and the upper world get mixed up? Criminals use legal companies and services to carry out illegal activities. 

Want to know more?
Check out this event location tip about organising an event in De Kuip.

In recent years we have organised live online and hybrid events in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and abroad.
Want to know more? Get inspired:

CIS Global Forum Vienna

Open post
TL serious game

Serious game ‘Who Helps?’

Serious game 'Who Helps?'

TanteLouise is making herself strong

TanteLouise is committed to combating elder abuse, because elder abuse is more common than we think; about 1 in 20 elderly people have to deal with this. TanteLouise would like to tackle this problem and they are good at spotting it. They do need help with this. This will be done on the basis of the Serious Game ‘Who Helps?’ in the form of national publicity. ‘Publicity is the attention of the media whereby something is made known’. This has been developed to learn to detect elder abuse more quickly. The game is used as a learning tool for our own employees but can be used widely. This app has been compiled in a year’s time and should work for all organisations and target groups.  


live event



Bergen op Zoom



conceptontwikkeling VKOZ


communicatie VKOZ


Game console


An event as part of a larger campaign

A conference was organised for the launch of the game. Healthcare institutions, among others, would be invited and there would also be a focus on schools. The target group was large, but a toolkit had been developed for each sub-target group. The game was brought to the attention of various organisations, which was also the goal of our design plan and invitation process. The event was the core of the campaign and it had to tell and show something with content and impact that the people and media want to talk about and share.

Social Justice Day

February 20, 2020 was Social Justice Day and the congress also took place on this day. A great time to organise the congress. Awareness about inequality, unemployment, social exclusion and poverty is raised on this day.

For publicity, VKOZ set up the communication strategy and event design, including content format, invitation process and toolkits. Patricia has written several beautiful interviews which would be bundled in a storybook.

Theater De Maagd

"The best care, wherever home is."

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Patricia of RedFactor, our regular VKOZ copywriter! She also writes our web texts. Read more about Patricia in her blog.

Did you know...
You can also only use VKOZ for a publicity campaign? See the communication page for more information.

Want to know more?
Check out the website of TanteLouise to find more information.

In recent years we have organised live online and hybrid events in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and abroad.
Want to know more? Get inspired:

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Meetinghouse Dordrecht

FinTech Event

FinTech Event
MK-The Subsidy Community

An event every quarter

MK-The Subsidy Community has already had several events organised by VKOZ. This time it was a knowledge and networking event that has been summarized in a conference. Each time the event takes place at a unique location and has specific themes to share knowledge and network in a surprising way.

live event







Total approach





An event location in the theme of the event

This evening’s theme was FinTech, a combination of the words financial and technology. Innovative financial products and services were central.

The Meeting House is located in a beautiful national monument in a unique location, in the heart of the historic centre of Dordrecht; a former bank building. The Meeting House is an inspiring meeting location consisting of various meeting rooms; each with its own unique look. We used this location for this event.

A combination of fun, knowledge and networking

The event started with a tasting of Rutte Distillateurs. 13 types of gins, junipers and liqueurs were tasted here. They also took care of the giveaway: each participant received a bag with its own special tasting glass. And they arrived on location with their own cargo bike!

This was followed by an extensive dinner in the form of a buffet with various interactive presentations. The speakers of this evening were Michiel Stokman from RevenYou and Micheal Broijmans from Holland FinTech.

Two subsidy advisors were put in the spotlight with a Rotterdam drinks package from Meneer Klaas!

"Turn your business event into an unforgettable moment."
VKOZ events & communication

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Rutte gins, the distillery from which the gin was tasted. Their gin was voted the best inthe world in 2016!

MK keycords

Did you know...
We used lanyards in different colours at the event? This enabled the participants to recognise who has what position.

Want to know more?
See which rooms the Meeting House have to organise your business event.

In recent years we have organised live online and hybrid events in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and abroad.
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ss Rotterdam

MK Anniversary Event

Anniversary Event
MK-The Subsidy Community

A beautiful location from the water

In 2019 MK-The Subsidy Community celebrated their 10th anniversary. The anniversary annual process was organized by VKOZ, including all communication. On September 13, this was celebrated in a special way at the ss Rotterdam, a special location in the city. This former flagship of the Holland-America Line is already a tourist attraction in itself, let alone hosting your own anniversary event there! With a tour through the ship in an authentic atmosphere, guests arrived in The Sky Room, the highest room. On the terrace there is a beautiful view over the Skyline. This was decorated in the customer’s branding with, among other things, beanbags and banners.

live event







Total approach



10 jaar jubileum


A spectacular entrance

Willem Maas en Bastiaan Kleiberg, the founders, made their entrance by arriving in a tuxedo with a RIB experience powerboat. They could simply board at the dock from the ss Rotterdam. Now that the group of participants was complete, it was possible to look back at the past ten years in an exhibition. The participants consisted of a staff, external consultants, clients, customers and business partners. Every group had its own colour lanyard, so that everyone could see who they were. Important moments of the last ten years were shown on screens and displays. The event was all about the past, the present and the future.

Another tour to conclude

After the dinner, we organised an inspiration tour in collaboration with Spark design & innovation. The guests went home with a water taxi to the innovation agency, located in the departures hall Oranjelijn. Here, we had a view on the river from an industrial monument that is made of stainless steel and glass. Founding partner Robert Barnhoor talked about all kind of inspiring innovation cases such as the flying car. With the water taxis, the participants went back to the ss Rotterdam for a drink in the Captains Lounge. The surprising programme and the unforgettable moment ended in this way.

Watch the aftermovie of the event here

"The start of new memories."
ss Rotterdam

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The ss Rotterdam. Meeting, gatherings, parties and weddings. It’s all possible on the ss Rotterdam! 

MK champagne branding

Did you know...
You can also give away champagne as a giveaway, entirely in the branding of your company or event.

Want to know more?
Read the ten tips in our blog to find out how to organise an anniversary event.

In recent years we have organised live online and hybrid events in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and abroad.
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