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Event manager English

The added value of an event manager

By organizing an event you are responsible for the organization of the event and you work on the production. No sooner said than done, right? This is just the tip of the iceberg of what an event manager does. An event manager is ultimately responsible for all tasks. Do you know what an event manager can do for you, besides organizing your event?

Are you unsure whether to organize an event yourself or outsource the organization? Read this blog where we compare the advantages and disadvantages for you. When you decide to outsource the event to an event manager, it is important to know the added value of this. 

The tasks of an event manager

During the organization of an event, the event manager has to keep various aspects in mind. All of the responsibilities regarding the preparations: such as the program, catering, promotion, safety, marketing and venue. In addition, an event manager thinks out of the box for the best creative ideas (everything is possible!), is flexible and has strong social skills. But most importantly: to relieve you as a customer. An event manager is responsible for as many as tasks as possible and you would like. It is optimal to engage an event manager at least three months before your event. Preferably earlier, so there is enough time to brainstorm and have objectives in order.

And then the time has come: the day(s) of the event. During the execution, the event manager checks by means of a walk-through whether all preparations are carried out properly. During the event, the event manager guides everything in the right direction and ensures that the participants enjoy themselves optimally. After your event, you can receive feedback in various ways to test whether you have achieved your objectives. Read our blog with 4 ways in which you can ask for feedback from your participants.

Your strategic partner

In addition to preparing and executing an event, an event manager also solves problems, has an eye for detail and is always up to date with the latest trends. It is important to surprise people and deliver quality.All this in collaboration as a strategic partner with you as a customer. VKOZ is distinctive and does this with its years of experience, eye for detail, transparency and a broad network. We measure the achieved results using the ROI pyramid. You can find more information about the ROI pyramid in this blog.

Are we your strategic partner?

Want to know more or would you like other tips for organizing an event? VKOZ events & communications is happy to think along with you. Call 010-2107961 or send an email with your question to

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enquete, vkoz, review

4 ways to ask feedback to your participants

To test whether you have achieved your event goals and determine the ROI, you can ask for feedback from your participants. With usable feedback, you can optimize your event and ensure a better visitor experience. But what is the best way to collect feedback? Below, you will find 4 ways in which you can ask for feedback from your participants.

Send a survey after the eventdigitale enquete na je event

The most familiar and usable way to ask feedback to your participants is to send a survey by email after the event. You want to hear the opinion of the participants. In a survey you can ask as much and various questions as you want. But how many respondents does this yield? We advise our clients how to create an effective survey which will receive as much as usable answers as possible.  


Using a whiteboardmessage board

If the participants used whiteboards during the event to make notes of the inspiration sessions or you used whiteboards for the registration, than this is a valuable way to collect feedback. For example, you can ask the participants to write down tips and tops. This is a good way to ask feedback because you force your participants to think about their opinion of the event and significantly increase the chance of responses. You can also let your participants spar with each other. Ask them to draw, react to statements or make use of sticky notes. Divers ways to ask for essential feedback!

KlanttevredenheidMake use of keycords

The easiest way to ask for feedback from participants is to vote at the same time as they hand in their keycord. For example, you can put three baskets with smileys on it. A dissatisfied one, a neutral one and a happy one. With this way it is possible that the basket with the happy smiley gets the fullest and you can’t test if you have achieved specific goals. Therefore use this method in combination with another way of asking feedback. For example, ask participants for an extra tip. On this way you collect more feedback!


Get instant feedback during your eventenquete vkoz

The event itself is a great opportunity to get direct feedback while your participants are still in the thick of it. This kind of hands-on research can be done in a number of ways while an event is in full swing. For example, via an event app or QR codes on the big screen at the end of each presentation, which participants can scan to fill out a survey on their own phone. Or have staff with a tablet ask participants face-to-face to fill out a quick survey. If you address your participants personally, they will be more likely to stop and fill out your survey. Another idea is to reward participants with a prize.

Did you achieve your event goals? Calculate your event ROI using these seven steps.


Want to know more about asking feedback on your event? VKOZ events & communications is happy to think along with you. Call 010-2107961 or send an email with your question to


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Ga je het evenement zelf organiseren of uitbesteden

Are you going to organize the event yourself or outsource it?

You can organize an event by yourself with your collegues, or you can outsource the event to an event agency. Both choices have advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of outsourcing

Event agencies have extensive experience and are aware of the latest trends in the industry. An event can be so big or delicate that it is too complicated to organize it by yourself and your team. Outsourcing the event also means that you’re no longer responsible for certain risks. You may not have the necessary know-how or creativity within your company to organize a high-quality event.

An event agency has an objective view on the company and can respond to the strong and less strong points. The employees can have a little bit of ‘business blindness’. An agency is also an ideal sparring partner and a sounding board to test your own ideas. Event agencies have an extensive network in the event industry. They know how to find the right materials and people and can often negotiate better prices. Companies often cannot see the wood for the trees anymore by organizing an event by itself. After all, there are large differences in quality and price between many suppliers.

When own staff members of the company work on the event, they will be given more responsibilities in addition to their own tasks. Keep in mind that they will have less time to perform their daily tasks. With outsourcing, your internal resources remain available for ongoing projects. Working with an event agency also ensures the continuity of the organization (for example in case of illness).

Disadvantages of outsourcing

The event agency does not know your company (yet). They do not know all the possibilities and impossibilities, what your wishes are and what the style of the company is. That is why a good clear briefing is necessary. It is optimal when you can build a long-term relationship with a standard event agency, then this argument will quickly disappear.

Despite the efficient way of working of the event agency, you must take into account the costs of outsourcing the event. An advantage is that you get a clear picture of the total costs of the entire event. With internally organized events, there are many hidden expenses.

For each event, weigh the pros and cons of outsourcing. Take into account the available know-how, the required creativity, timing, budgets and risks. Complex events may be better outsourced to an experienced event partner. In many cases, you will achieve the best results when you combine your own company-specific knowledge with the expertise of a professional event agency.

Want to know more about the pro’s and cons of outsourcing an event or would you like other tips for organizing an event? VKOZ events & communications is happy to think along with you. Call 010-2107961 or send an email with your question to



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